Keep Progress
Trime USA manufactures a range of tools and products that will help get your job done safely, effectively, and with the lowest impact to the environment possible.

Wash Bays
Our X-Splash Wash Bays offer an effective, ecological, and flexible cleaning solution for plants and machinery, preventing soil pollution and contamination of drains, from oil, grease, and chemical contaminants.

Fuel Tanks
Tanks can be transported full of diesel and stacked 2 high for improved storage. A 12-volt transfer pump with filter, hose and meter come standard. Units are double-walled, 110% containment and DOT approved.

Dust Suppression Systems
Our wide range of innovative, versatile and compact dust suppression systems are industry leading. Used in mines, quarries, demolition, recycling and odor removal, the diverse and capable Tekno Spray line has the product that will fit your needs best.

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